CJE West Island

Youth development and
Créneau Carrefour Jeunesse is a new program from the Secrétariat à la jeunesse implemented via Carrefour jeunesse-emploi (CJE), which aims to promote school perseverance, personal and social autonomy, as well as the participation of young people in entrepreneurship, volunteering and volunteering projects.

School perseverance : This service aims to encourage school perseverance and/or support young people who wish to go back to school. It is focused on students who are at risk of dropping out or who have dropped out for less than six months.
Personal and social autonomy : This service aims to encourage young people to help them acquire skills and adopt behaviors that contribute to developing their own autonomy on a personal and social level. It targets young people, aged 16 to 35 years old, experiencing significant personal, social and/or professional integration difficulties.
Entrepreneurship : This component aims to create more opportunities for young people participate in entrepreneurship projects and real-world experiences that will contribute to the development of entrepreneurship. It is intended for young people in their 2nd cycle of high school.
Volunteering : This component aims to increase opportunities for young people to get involved in their community by participating in volunteer projects linked to the objectives of the Politique québécoise de la jeunesse. It is aimed at young people in their 2nd cycle of high school.
Governance: This component aims to promote the presence of well-equipped young people to governing boards of CJEs in all regions of Quebec.
The Créneau Carrefour Jeunesse program helps strengthen the intervention capacity of the Quebec government at a local level through the CJE, a network of recognized organizations present throughout Quebec.